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Saturday, February 9, 2013

Dragon Fruit

EgyptDragonFruit-2 While shopping in the produce section of  Carrefour today I saw this beautiful fruit.  "How pretty!" I exclaimed. "I think we need to try this."  I chose the prettiest one and put it in our cart along with the more mundane fruit and vegetables we had selected.

EgyptDragonFruit-1 The label on the package said "Dragon Fruit" but I had no idea what that meant.  I guess it's not a common fruit in Egypt because the sight of it caused the lady in line behind me to inquire about it.  I told her that I chose the fruit purely because of its loveliness. Her daughter said it reminded her of Barney because of the color but Barney is also a dragon so it was fitting.

EgyptDragonFruit-3 EgyptDragonFruit-4
I could hardly wait to get home and try the Dragon Fruit.  Back at the apartment I washed it and sliced it in half.  We just used a spoon and scooped the flesh right out of the skin.  The anticipation was better than the flavor.  It was sweetly bland and reminiscent of a kiwi but a fun thing to try nonetheless.

Posted by LINDA

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